My proposal for research at the NSF Center for Adaptive Optics is centered in two areas, spectroscopy/imaging of AGN environments and instrument development. My goals are to develop a cross-disciplinary research program in astronomy and photonics-engineering to apply Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) technology to astronomical spectroscopy. Specifically I plan to use MEMS devices to expand the integral field unit (IFU) techniques that I am currently developing. In addition, I will use these techniques to acquire optical/near IR observations and augment my Keck spectroscopy of QSO hosts with AO observations of QSO hosts. My longer-term goals are to develop spectroscopic and IFU capability for AO observations and to use these capabilities to better understand the environments that lead to the formation of QSO’s and AGN.
My proposal for Education and Outreach as an NSF Fellow is centered on the Science, Engineering & Technology Training (SETT) at the CFAO. The mission of SETT is to increase the participation of underrepresented undergraduates in science, math, engineering, and technology (SMET), through technical training, professional opportunities, and mentoring, in the context of an interdisciplinary, national center. Specifically my plan is to lead a week long seminar twice a year in general optics principles for approximately twenty undergraduate interns at the CFAO participating in the SETT program. The goal of which is to prepare the students to participate in group laboratory/engineering project associated with astronomical spectroscopy and/or MEMS. I will use my work as an example and motivator for the students to develop their own group project and I will mentor the students on their project tapping into the existing online and support network at the CFAO.