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Emily Griffith

Contact Information:

Fellowship Status:

Emily Griffith

NSF Fellowship Research Program:

Galactic Archaeology: Constraining the Origin of the Elements with Empirical and Theoretical Supernova Yields

Research Interests:

Emily studies the origin of the elements, nucleosynthetic processes, and Galactic chemical evolution. She primarily works with large stellar spectroscopic survey data sets, including APOGEE and GALAH, to decompose the prompt and delayed contributions to stars’ abundances. Emily is interested in comparing empirical and theoretical supernovae yields to refine our understanding of how core-collapse supernovae and Type-Ia supernovae enrich our Galaxy and local group.

Education and Outreach Interests:

Emily’s current education and outreach initiatives are focused on near-peer mentorship and planetarium content development. She is currently writing a near-peer mentorship program starter kit with the Access Network to help universities begin or evaluate their own programmatics. At CU Boulder, Emily is collaborating with Fiske Planetarium to produce a live show entitled “Mapping the Milky Way”, which will be presented in mid-November 2024.