My research takes a two-pronged approach towards advancing understanding of brown dwarf atmospheres and probing molecular abundances of the coldest and smallest brown dwarfs. I use a combination of infrared observations and the development of new instrumentation to study low-mass stars and brown dwarfs. Observationally, I use NIRES and NIRSPEC on the Keck II Telescope to take medium and high-resolution spectra of the coldest brown dwarfs. In the lab, I am working to develop the next generation of precision radial velocity spectrographs, which will be capable of discovering extrasolar planets around low-mass stars.
I am interested in using inquiry-based learning techniques to increase diversity and inclusion in physics classrooms and research labs. My goal is to develop a workshop and mentoring program for incoming UCSC freshmen to encourage historically marginalized students to pursue physics degrees. Previously, I have worked to develop summer workshops for high school students and have also been heavily involved in the UCLA Women in Physics and Astronomy group.