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Katy Wimberly

Contact Information:

Fellowship Status:

Katy Rodriguez Wimberly

NSF Fellowship Research Program:

Early Universe Environments & Peer Mentorship

Research Interests:

Prof. Rodriguez Wimberly’s current research projects focus on both Near Field Cosmology and Galaxy Evolution. She and her research team at Cal State San Bernardino are measuring chemical abundances in nearby ultrafaint dwarf galaxies, exploring the faint, low-mass end of the Satellite Galaxy Stellar Mass–Metallicity Relationship, and refining radial velocity measurements and errors in the Milky Way’s stellar halo’s RR Lyrae stars. The Near Field Cosmology projects aim to better understand the tiniest and oldest stellar systems around the Milky Way. The RR Lyrae (RRL) project is an exciting new collaboration through the SDSS-FAST program to both provide the largest phase-calibrated data set of RRL radial velocities and measure the mass of the Milky Way within 30 kpc.

Education and Outreach Interests:

In each of her classes at Cal State San Bernardino, Prof. Rodriguez Wimberly employ evidenced-based pedagogical practices, primarily active learning techniques such as a partially flipped-classroom, peer reviews, and Think-Pair-Share Questions, to maintain an equitable and inclusive learning community in each course. She’s particularly interested in curricular changes to improve retention and success rates for undergraduate physics majors. Outside of the classroom, Katy is the Director of Mentorship for the Cal-Bridge Program, a California state-wide scholarship and professional development program for STEM students from their undergraduate program through postdoctoral positions. Her work here centers around strengthening mentorship structures and creating new mentorship education curricula for both mentors and mentees to create communities where everyone can thrive in academia.