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Fellowship Status:

Matthew Browning

NSF Fellowship Research Program:

Simulations of Convection and Dynamo Activity in Low-Mass Stars

Research Interests:

I generally work on topics in astrophysical fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), but have focused primarily on convection and magnetism in stars. In stars — and in a host of other astronomical objects as well — magnetic fields are very common, and are often thought to arise from the action of a “magnetic dynamo” — a process that can amplify seed magnetic fields and sustain them against Ohmic decay. Much of my research involves using simulations on massively parallel supercomputers to constrain how stars build magnetic fields, and how that magnetism impacts stellar convection and differential rotation. Most recently, I have worked on the solar dynamo problem, and on the generation of magnetic fields in lower-mass stars that are “fully convective” — meaning that they transport energy by convective motions everywhere in their interiors, rather than only in an outer envelope (as in the Sun).

Education and Outreach Interests:

Most recently, I have been exploring novel visualization strategies for use in communicating scientific research to the general public. I am also interested in an array of education efforts in both formal and informal venues, ranging from outreach at local museums to K-12 teacher education.