9:00 |
Introduction by Eileen Friel |
9:10 |
Compact Objects — Moderator: Eileen Friel |
9:10 |
Eric Hooper; “Probing the Triggering and Fueling Mechanisms for Quasars” |
9:20 |
Sera Markoff: Flares in our Galactic Center Supermassive Black Hole, Sgr A*: A Glimmer of AGN-Like Activity? |
9:30 |
Jon Miller: “Evidence for Intermediate Mass Black Holes” |
9:40 |
Jeno Sokoloski: Jets from Accreting White Dwarfs |
9:50 |
Don Smith: Chasing the Earliest Light from Gamma-Ray Bursts: The World-Wide ROTSE-III Network |
10:00 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 |
Stars/Low Z Galaxies — Moderator: Miller Goss |
10:30 |
Kelsey Johnson: Observing Extragalactic Star Formation in the Next Decade |
10:40 |
Brenda Frye: “Intergalactic Metallicity at Low-Z: CIV Absorbers in STIS and FUSE High-Resolution Spectroscopy” |
10:50 |
Summary of NSF Programs for New Faculty — Eileen Friel |
11:00 |
Panel 1: Making the Transition from Postdoc to Faculty/Permanent Researcher |
Faculty: Keivan Stassun, Vanderbilt University; Jane Charlton, Penn State; Cornelia Lang, U Iowa; Sally Oey, Lowell Observatory; Ray Jayawardhana, U Michigan |
12:20 |
Lunch |
1:45 |
Surveys/Galaxies — Moderator: Malcolm Smith |
1:45 |
Anthony Gonzalez: “The FLAMINGOS Extragalactic Survey” |
1:55 |
Eric Gawiser: The MUSYC Survey: A Census of Protogalaxies at z=3 |
2:05 |
Anne Metevier: Internal Kinematics of Galaxies in the GOODS-N Field |
2:15 |
Kristy Dyer: Missing the Forest for the Trees: Science Opportunities with the Green Bank Telescope |
2:25 |
Christopher Conselice: “Constraining Empirically How Galaxies Form” |
2:35 |
Panel 2: Conducting Astrophysics Research in Large Collaborations |
Faculty: Miller Goss, NRAO; David Koo, UCO/Lick, DEEP; Alyssa Goodman, CfA/COMPLETE; Tony Tyson, UC Davis, DLS |
NSF fellows: Chris C; Jeno S |
3:30 |
Coffee Break |
4:00 |
Research/Outreach Mixed Session — Moderator: Sally Oey |
4:00 |
Kim Coble: What People Should Learn About Cosmology and Why |
4:10 |
Jessica Rosenberg: Studying Galaxies and Everything in Between: A Discussion of Research and Teaching |
4:20 |
Dara Norman: “Merging Research, Education and Public Outreach Through Surveys” |
4:30 |
John Feldmeier: “Intracluster Starlight and Astronomy Education of Home-schoolers” |
4:40 |
Open Discussion: “Integrating research with education and public outreach” |
Faculty moderators: Dana Lehr, NSF; Brian Abbott, AMNH; Malcolm Smith, CTIO |
5:45 |
Summary/Closing Words by Miller Goss |
6:00 |
Quick (15 min) meeting with Eileen Friel about NSF AAPF Program, to give/hear feedback about the program, discuss when/where for next meeting, etc. |
7:00 |
AAS Opening Reception |