The symposium will run from 1 p.m. on January 5th, 2007 until 6 p.m. on January 6th.
Eric Gawiser (Rutgers), Brian Keating (UCSD), Doug Finkbeiner (Harvard), Jennifer Hoffman (Berkeley)
Friday, January 5th, 2007 | |
1:00 | Opening Remarks: Wayne van Citters (NSF) |
1:15 | Keynote Address: Jay Pasachoff (Williams) “Syzygies: Eclipses, Transits, and Occultations” |
2:00 | Marcel Agueros — “Pre-MAP: A Program to Increase Underrepresented Student Participation in Astronomy” |
2:15 | Ginny McSwain — “The Comings and Goings of Be Stars in NGC 3766” |
2:30 | Matt Browning — “Dynamo Action in the Solar Convection Zone and Tachocline” |
2:50 | Coffee Break |
3:15 | Katherine Rhode — “Globular Clusters, Galaxy Formation, Dark Matter, & Black Holes” |
3:30 | Tom Renbarger — “The Cosmic Infrared Background Explorer” |
3:45 | Chris Groppi — “Updating and recomissioning the Steward Observatory Student Radio Telescope” |
4:00 | Kurtis Williams — “Finding White Dwarfs via Proper Motions” |
4:15 | Panel Discussion: Transition from Postdoc to Career Position |
panelists: Julianne Dalcanton (U. Washington), | |
5:30 | Informal discussion |
7:00 | Symposium Dinner (By Invitation) |
Saturday, January 6th, 2007 | |
9:00 | Results of the NSF Senior Review: Eileen Friel (NSF) |
9:45 | Peter Frinchaboy — “Determination of the Local Galactic Rotation Curve using High Precision Tracers” |
10:00 | Coffee Break |
10:30 | Sukanya Chakrabarti — “Simulating Merging Galaxies: The Infrared View” |
10:45 | David Rothstein — “Understanding Some Ugly Environments: Accretion Disks Around Black Holes and Websites for Teachers” |
11:00 | Education AAPF Talk: Doug Duncan (U. Colorado) |
11:45 | Panel Discussion: New Directions in Undergraduate Education |
Confirmed panelists: Doug Duncan (U. Colorado), Gina Brissenden (CAPER), Brian Patten (NSF), Nate McCrady (AAPF) | |
12:45 | Lunch Break |
1:45 | Jeff Bary — “A Multi-Epoch Study of Near-Infrared Accretion Signatures from T Tauri Stars” |
2:00 | Kelle Cruz — “A New Population of Young Brown Dwarfs in the Field” |
2:15 | Chris Groppi — “Supercam, a 64 pixel imaging spectrometer for the 870 micron atmospheric window” |
2:30 | Tom Renbarger — “A Sounding Rocket for the UCSD COSMOS program” |
2:40 | Coffee Break |
3:15 | Nate McCrady — “Probing Super Star Clusters with Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics” |
3:30 | Hector Arce – “Outflows, Chemistry and Low-Mass Star Formation” and “The Hayden Astrophysics Enrichment and Research Program” |
3:45 | Marcel Agueros — “Weird Compact Objects from SDSS: Low-Mass White Dwarfs and Isolated Neutron Star” |
4:00 | Josh Faber — “Better to burn out, than to fade away” |
4:15 | Panel Discussion: Teaching the Night Sky in the Modern World |
Confirmed panelists: Jay Pasachoff (Williams), Alice Enevoldsen (Pac. Sci. Ctr.), Anna Hurst (ASP), Ginny McSwain (AAPF), Burley Packwood (Seattle Astron. Society) | |
5:30 | Concluding Remarks: Dana Lehr (NSF) |
7:00 | AAS Opening Reception |