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Symposium 2008 (Austin, TX)

Symposium General Information

General Information

What: 2008 NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellows Symposium, American Astronomical Society Meeting, Austin, TX (AAS Description)
When: Sunday, 6 January 1:00-6:00 PM and Monday, 7 January 9:00 AM-6:00 PM
Where: Austin Convention Center


AAPF 2008 Austin
Fellows and guests at the 2008 AAS meeting in Austin.


The NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship (AAPF) program is designed to support promising young scientists who combine their research with education and/or outreach activities. During this two-day weekend session, the NSF fellows will discuss their research and education/outreach activities with invited faculty mentors and any AAS members who wish to attend. The goals are to learn from each other’s experiences, to listen to suggestions from the audience, and to foster new collaborations. The session will also feature informal discussion panels on topics such as grant writing, advising students and utilizing small telescopes in teaching and outreach.

Symposium Schedule


Sunday, January 6, 2008, 1-6 PM
1:00 Welcoming remarks   Wayne Van Citters (NSF)
1:20 Keynote talk – Kelsey Johnson (University of Virginia, NSF CAREER & Packard Fellow , Former-AAPF)
2:20 Matthew Browning – “A Tale of Two Dynamos: Convection and Magnetism across the H-R Diagram.”
2:40 Nate McCrady – “Young Massive Clusters and the Stellar Populations of Galaxies”
3:00 Coffee break
3:40 Marshall Perrin – “AO Imaging Spectroscopy of Bipolar Outflows from Young Stars”
4:00 Astronomy Education Research – Robert Mathieu (U. Wisconsin-Madison, co-founder of DELTA and CIRTL)
4:45 Discussion panel – Transition from Advisee to Advisor:
Robert Mathieu (Wisconsin), Ginny McSwain (Lehigh), Sheila Kannappan (UNC), Sera Markoff (Amsterdam), Kelsey Johnson (Virginia)
6:30 Symposium dinner
Monday morning, January 7, 9 AM-12:30 PM
9:00 NSF talk:   Eileen Friel – “Implementing the Senior Review: Current Status”
9:40 David Rothstein – “Assembling the Ingredients for a Jet: How Do Large-Scale Magnetic Fields Get There and What Happens When They Do?”
10:00 Coffee break
10:40 Rachel Kuzio de Naray – “Constraining Dark Matter Halo Potentials with Observations and Modeling of LSB Galaxy Velocity Fields”
11:00 Tamara Rogers – “The Uniform Rotation of the Solar Radiative Interior”
11:20 Kurtis Williams – “White Dwarfs and the Age of the Milky Way: A Professional Development Experience for Teachers”
11:40 Discussion panel – Successful Grant Writing – Research to Broader Impact:
Dana Lehr (NSF), Robert Mathieu (Wisconsin), Sera Markoff (Amsterdam), Chris Groppi (Arizona),
12:30 Lunch
Monday afternoon, 2:20-6:30 PM
2:20 Jeff Bary – “H2 Emission from T Tauri Stars with Transitional Disks”
2:40 Eric Hallman – “Synthetic SZE Surveys with Large Numerical Cosmological Simulation”
3:00 Chris Groppi – “A progress update on Supercam, a 64 pixel imaging spectrometer for the 870 micron band.”
3:20 Marcel Agueros – “The Coincidence of Nuclear Star Clusters and Active Galactic Nuclei.”
3:40 Coffee break
4:10 Chris Groppi – “”Upgrades and New Technology for the Steward Observatory Student Radio Telescope”
4:30 John Johnson – “Massive Worlds Orbiting Massive Suns”
4:50 David Rothstein – “Edplum: A Community of Educators… Including You?”
5:10 Discussion panel – Small College Observatories – Tips to integrate small on-campus telescopes into Research, Teaching, and E/PO:
Lara Eakins (UT-Austin), Chris Palma (Penn State), Remy Indebetouw (Virginia), Brad Walter (Austin Astronomical Society)
6:00 Closing remarks – Dana Lehr (NSF)

Symposium Dinner Details

The symposium dinner will be held at Artz Rib House at 7pm on Sunday. Here are the important details:

  • The cost of dinner is $40, paid in cash prior to dinner. This includes dinner, a soft drink, taxes and tips, and transportation.
  • A 29-person bus will depart the Convention Center at 6:30pm sharp for the restaurant. The bus will return at 9:00pm.
  • Dinner will consist of a selection of brisket, ribs, and chicken. Vegetarians can order from the menu, which includes quite tasty grilled vegetable skewers and veggie burgers.
  • Entrees include potato salad, cole slaw, pinto beans, barbecue sauce, pickles, onions and bread.
  • A cash bar will be available.
  • Dinner costs are reimbursed by your per diem reimbursement; a receipt is not necessary.